Wednesday, 30 July 2014


Unfortunatley, due to course which completly knackers me out, i haven't done much since day one.

I have completed my harlequin unit:

I have also painted a mounted faramir and Thrydan Wolfsbane foot and mounted

Thanks for reading,
Happy Wargaming

Friday, 25 July 2014

LOTR-fantasy challenge - Day 1

For day one of the LOTR-fantasy challenge, i have painted up to units: Clansmen of lamedon, lead by Angbor the Fearless and a warband of swan knights on foot lead by a Captain.

Thanks for reading
Happy wargaming

Thursday, 24 July 2014

LOTR-fantasy challenge

As I have broken up from school for the summer, I have decided to convert and paint as much of my lotr sbg and warhammer fantasy models. So as a extension of this, no 40k models except my unitnof harlequins.

Will post first units later.

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming

Sunday, 13 July 2014

scratch-built land raider, Graia campaign (Titus, Sidonus & Leondras)

After a few months of hard work, I have finally finished my Scratch-built land raider.

Just as a point of reference, I get all of my templates from the this website:

In order to view the templates you will also need the B1 Free archiver

I also have painted up two out of my four Scout squads

This is what I did for the camo cloaks:
I used Mournfang Brown as a basecoat and then used camo green for the green bits.
I then shaded this with Nuln Oil.

I have also painted Captain Titus and his retinue
The codex astartes is a set of rules. They guide is, shape us as UltraMarines, Teach us to hold Honour and Glory above all else. But how we live with those rules is a true test of a Space Marine. And you, Have failed. - Captain Titus 

I will do a Lieutenant Mira conversion but I'm just trying to work out how to do it.

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming!