Saturday, 29 March 2014

Rogal Dorn complete, my Legion of five and a Farsight Enclaves crisis suit

First up, I have finished Rogal Dorn!
 I have used a mixture of components on this mini.
The eagle on his chest was a card template i cut out.
The large aquila was cut out from plasticard.
the right arm was a terminator one with the storm bolter replaced with a rogue trader bolter, the eagle is from the comander backpack.
The right arm is a mixture of a terminator powerfist and a normal powerfist, again this has a eagle on it.
The chainsword is connected by a hole drill through the powerfist with a metal rod attached to the chainsword.
The body and legs are made from sprue.
The cloak is made from cartridge paper.

This now means i have a Legion of five models:
-Rogal Dorn
-3 recon squad members

Models left to paint/complete:
-Captain Alexis Polux
-Captain with thunder hammer and storm shield


Lastly, this is my converted Farsight enclaves crisis suits.
This has been converted from a combination of sprue, plasticard and cocktail sticks

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Rogal Dorn, scratchbuilt dreadnought, dire avengers and Necrons

Hey guys! sorry it's been a while, i have been busy with my exams

first up i finished Rogal Dorn! and forgot to take photos...

But i have this:
the thunder hammer can be removed and replaced by a chainsword (fluff reasons) or can be left on its own to be a powerfist

In his other hand he has ye olde bolter of doom

For xenos i have painted a necron Lord, Flayed Ones and my Dire avenger corsairs.

And to finish off: My 3rd crimson fist dreadnought (you can never have too many dreadnoughts!)

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming!