Sunday, 26 January 2014

Update - 26th Jan - Enforcers, terminator assault cannons, scratch-built guard and scratch-built rhino

I finished converting the last member of my enforcers squad:
 The item in his left hand is a 'doggy' treat for the cyber-mastiff
I converted this (and the 3 enforcers from the previous post) from sprue, combined with plastic card and Guardsmen bits. Also, a couple of cocktail sticks
This is the assault cannon for my terminators:

The assault cannon is made from sprue with cocktail sticks glued on.

What do you guys think of it? I'm not sure if i like it.

Also, i have decided to pull apart my Rogal Dorn model and use a different body to get the sizing right.

Does anyone know a good online store to look at?

I found these images i had forgotten about when making my crisis suits:

I also have a couple of images from scratch-built Imperial Guard vehicles + a scratch built rhino for grey knights

And a joke to finish upon...

Until next time,
Happy wargaming

Saturday, 25 January 2014

More LOTR, Tau, Eldar, Space marines and necromunda Enforces

First off, sorry for not posting anything. Been very busy with work etc.

Okay, this is another of my LOTR armies, Gondor

Included are: Boromir (one with banner(converted), one without), Captain, Knight of the white tower, Faramir, Damrod, Guards of the fountain court (converted), Citadel guard(converted), warriors and Rangers
To paint/make: More Rangers, Osgiliath veterans, Denethor, Pippin, more citadel guard, more guard of the fountain court, Beregond, trebuchets and avenger bolt throwers

If you want to see anything close up, post a comment below telling me what you want to see

My scratchbuilt Tau Empire models:
Fire warrior
Crisis suit with burst cannon and plasma rifle
Crisis suit with burst cannon and cyclic ion blaster

Not sure whether to continue with this army or not, could use Farsight Enclaves rules to make crisis suits troops (such fun!)

What do you guys think

My conversion of Asurmen:

I also have a couple of dire avengers corsairs but they aren't finished yet. Will post pics when finished

3 more models to add to my Enforces squad:
Two with suppression shields and power mauls.
The one on the right is fluffy, my cyber-mastiff

All i need to add now is the Handler

Last but not least, Excoriators Captain Kersh on a bike:

He has a banner because in the book Legion of the Damned, he rides through the city with his companys banner on the back riding a scout bike.

That's it for now,
Until next time,
Happy Wargaming

Monday, 20 January 2014

Some of my LOTR stuff - Isenguard and The Fellowship

First up the Fellowship:

 I made a custom WOTR tray for them in case i use them

This is Thorin's company from the Hobbit. I only finished them a few weeks ago because i had some paint stripping problems with Kili.

My isenguard army. I have:
Lurtz and scouts
Mahur and scouts
Captain, banner and warriors X2
feral uruks

To do:
A warband of warriors with crossbows lead by Vrasku
demolition teams
a seige assault ballista

This is all i have time for today, will do other LOTR armies tomorrow

Until then,
Happy wargaming

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Fantasy armies current - Empire and Orcs

Ok, my Empire army is a little small at the moment but here it is:
In the army is:
Master Engineer
Battle wizard (celestial)
celestial hurricanum

To paint:
Reiksguard knights
more spearman
more handgunners
Empire Captain on horse (using Karl Franz kit)
Amber battle wizard on horse (using Karl Franz kit)

To make:
reiksguard knights
more state troops
Karl Franz on deathclaw

Now my extremely small Orc army:
Thats it, just one model. A warboss on warthog

To paint:
Orc archers
Orc warriors

To make:
Orc chariot

While I'm here, does anyone recognise this box lid?

I have no idea what edition/what its called.
If you know, post in comments below please

Tomorrow I will do my LOTR armies

Until then,
Happy wargaming

Saturday, 18 January 2014

My first post, existing 40k armies - necrons, space marines and Orks

First up: The Necrons

The army includes: Imoteck, Trazyn, 2 boxes of necron warriors, Flayed ones, destroyer, spyder, cryptek, overlord, scarabs and annihilation barge

Scratchbuilds are: monolith, canoptek wraiths and doom scythe

To add to the army:

Paint my Lord

Make my Immortals and triarch praetorians

Maybe scratchbuild a obelisk

My Crimson fist army:

The army includes:
25th anniversary captain
tactical squad(need to paint flamer)
command squad (with custom banner)
2 dreadnoughts

To do:
Paint flamer
Paint rhino
finish scratchbuilding drop pod
scratchbuild a land raider
paint AOBR terminators and some marines

My Ork army:

This army includes:

trukk with some boyz
and a converted big mek

To do:
Paint nobz, bikes, deffkoptas
convert a warboss on warbike

Other marine forces:
Task force Graia:
Titus and some of AOBR

Imperial fists Legion:
Rogal Dorn
Legion recon squad

Excoriators Captain Kersh
Dark vengeance Chaplain

To do:
Convert other Graia models (Leondras and the sergeant(?))
Paint some more legionnaires
Maybe a Excoriators tactical squad
Buy and paint dark vengeance

Last but not least, a Enforces squad for necromunda. I have to add a couple more minatures to complete this squad

If you want to see anything close up, post a comment below and i will put the image in the next post
I will add images of my fantasy army tomorrow and my LOTR armies on Monday.

Until then,
Happy wargaming