Sunday, 7 December 2014

Moved to Wordpress!!!

This Blog has moved!

Come and join me there!

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming!

Saturday, 20 September 2014

Harlequins squad re-cap

I did this for my DofE so though i would upload it

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming

Sunday, 17 August 2014


I painted my unit of greatswords!

I have also painted up my marksman for my handgunners

I have also started to paint my harlequin unit.

I have built everything for my Empire. I built ten more handgunners, ten swordsmen and Karl Franz on Deathclaw

Thursday, 14 August 2014


I have painted another 5 halberdiers to complete the unit.

I have almost finished  painting my ten greatswords.

I have built a ten man unit of swordsmen, a marksman for my handgunners and have almost finished building Karl Franz on deathclaw. I only have left to build either ten more handgunners or crossbowmen.

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming 

Monday, 11 August 2014


I have painted the final 8 knights to complete the Reiksguard knights unit.

This is the picture of the completed unit

I next make my ten Greatswords.

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming

Friday, 8 August 2014


I have painted a helstorm rocket battery

I have also built and started to painted the other eight Reikguard knights which i will upload tomorrow.

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


I have completed by 8 man squad of Reiksguard knights.

I will add 8 more to this unit later.

I still haven't built any new units but i will do after painting my harlequins (link) and my helstorm rocket battery.

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming

Monday, 4 August 2014

LOTR-fantasy challenge day 6-10

I have painted a additional 5 models to add to my spearmen unit (see article here for the others)

I have also painted a unit of ten halberdiers. I will add to these later with another 5 including standard, sergeant and musician.

I have also built a unit of 8 reiksguard knights which i will paint for tomorrow.

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming

Wednesday, 30 July 2014


Unfortunatley, due to course which completly knackers me out, i haven't done much since day one.

I have completed my harlequin unit:

I have also painted a mounted faramir and Thrydan Wolfsbane foot and mounted

Thanks for reading,
Happy Wargaming

Friday, 25 July 2014

LOTR-fantasy challenge - Day 1

For day one of the LOTR-fantasy challenge, i have painted up to units: Clansmen of lamedon, lead by Angbor the Fearless and a warband of swan knights on foot lead by a Captain.

Thanks for reading
Happy wargaming

Thursday, 24 July 2014

LOTR-fantasy challenge

As I have broken up from school for the summer, I have decided to convert and paint as much of my lotr sbg and warhammer fantasy models. So as a extension of this, no 40k models except my unitnof harlequins.

Will post first units later.

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming

Sunday, 13 July 2014

scratch-built land raider, Graia campaign (Titus, Sidonus & Leondras)

After a few months of hard work, I have finally finished my Scratch-built land raider.

Just as a point of reference, I get all of my templates from the this website:

In order to view the templates you will also need the B1 Free archiver

I also have painted up two out of my four Scout squads

This is what I did for the camo cloaks:
I used Mournfang Brown as a basecoat and then used camo green for the green bits.
I then shaded this with Nuln Oil.

I have also painted Captain Titus and his retinue
The codex astartes is a set of rules. They guide is, shape us as UltraMarines, Teach us to hold Honour and Glory above all else. But how we live with those rules is a true test of a Space Marine. And you, Have failed. - Captain Titus 

I will do a Lieutenant Mira conversion but I'm just trying to work out how to do it.

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming!

Monday, 16 June 2014

WIP Mordor troll and WIP scratchbuilt land raider

I have completed the hull of the land raider and have started on the weapons

I have also re-started work on a Mordor troll. The body is made from clay with details made from Green Stuff. The arms and head are spare components from the actual kit

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming!

Monday, 9 June 2014

an update to my work

Due to exams and other activites I have not been able to do much since my last update

I have started to paint the epic chaos army. Also I'm in the process of making some triarch pratorians and immortals and i'm in the process of scratchbuilding a land raider and drop pod

On another note, have a look at the following thread on warseer
This army is actually brilliant!!!!!

And lastly, due to the Necron theme, a necron joke

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Imperial fists Captain, Prince Yriel and epic chaos space marines

Since my last update i have managed very little

I have painted up another model for my Imperial fists:

This model was a custom build by a fellow gamer, and he did a fantastic job!

He made the thunder out of existing staff and a chaos space marine gauntlet with two lego cones attached the the end. The shield is a tank accessory and the mk 3 helmet is a mold of the Forge World one.

Also, I have painted my Prince Yriel conversion:
The torso and legs is made out of sprue
The force shield arm is converted from a shrukien catapult arm and the spear of twilight is converted from a dire avenger power weapon with modified spear piece.
The banner and pirate coat is made from standard cartridge paper

Lastly, my friend ( and I got our hands on some epic stuff and i have two weeks to paint all this up:

Such fun, when half models and weapons are missing!

Thanks for reading, Happy Wargaming!

Saturday, 29 March 2014

Rogal Dorn complete, my Legion of five and a Farsight Enclaves crisis suit

First up, I have finished Rogal Dorn!
 I have used a mixture of components on this mini.
The eagle on his chest was a card template i cut out.
The large aquila was cut out from plasticard.
the right arm was a terminator one with the storm bolter replaced with a rogue trader bolter, the eagle is from the comander backpack.
The right arm is a mixture of a terminator powerfist and a normal powerfist, again this has a eagle on it.
The chainsword is connected by a hole drill through the powerfist with a metal rod attached to the chainsword.
The body and legs are made from sprue.
The cloak is made from cartridge paper.

This now means i have a Legion of five models:
-Rogal Dorn
-3 recon squad members

Models left to paint/complete:
-Captain Alexis Polux
-Captain with thunder hammer and storm shield


Lastly, this is my converted Farsight enclaves crisis suits.
This has been converted from a combination of sprue, plasticard and cocktail sticks

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming

Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Rogal Dorn, scratchbuilt dreadnought, dire avengers and Necrons

Hey guys! sorry it's been a while, i have been busy with my exams

first up i finished Rogal Dorn! and forgot to take photos...

But i have this:
the thunder hammer can be removed and replaced by a chainsword (fluff reasons) or can be left on its own to be a powerfist

In his other hand he has ye olde bolter of doom

For xenos i have painted a necron Lord, Flayed Ones and my Dire avenger corsairs.

And to finish off: My 3rd crimson fist dreadnought (you can never have too many dreadnoughts!)

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

Price Yriel, Eldar Dire Avenger corsairs and Rogal Dorn. All converted from sprue and spare parts

So far on Rogal Dorn i have doone the legs, body, backpack and his bolter arm:

So far, it has gone alright but as i'm not sure what his actual weapons are i'm going to frill a hole into the power fist and not glue a weapon into it.

I'm struggling to find of a alternative head though. Can anyone give me a few pointers?

My conversion of Prince Yriel:
It worked. I'm pretty pleased with it. Sorry that the image is poor...
Hopefully will look better when painted

Lastly, my dire avenger corsairs:
Made out of good old sprue, green stuff and spare parts. I made them to fit with Outcast theme by adding cloaks and hoods (idea from rangers) as i'm doing a corsair fleet lead by Prince Yriel

Please check out my friend who has started a wargaming blog @

Thanks for reading,
Happy wargaming